2018 Recycler of the Year - Life Time Achievement Award: Nancy Bond, Portland Public Schools
Many of the recycling/waste reduction coordinators that work with schools are jointly nominating Nancy Bond for the AOR Lifetime Achievement award. Nancy will be retiring in June after a long and successful career as a Resource Conservation Coordinator for Portland Public Schools.
2018 Recycler of the Year - Alice Soderwall Reuse and Waste Prevention Award: Free Geek
Free Geek stands out in the recycling ecosystem because of its unique circular model. By taking two massive societal problems—e-waste and the digital divide— and pointing them at each other, Free Geek uses one problem to solve the other.
2018 Public Education/Promotion Program of the Year: School Resource Conservation (SRC) Network
The SRC Network is a networking group for those working in the sector of schools sustainability implementation in the Portland Metro region. They meet every other month to share projects, resources and ideas, successes and challenges, troubleshoot issues and hear from speakers on topics that move their work forward.
2018 Recycler of the Year – Public Agency: Green Team at Coos Bay Bureau of Land Management
The Green Team at the Coos Bay Bureau of Land Management was nominated and awarded for starting a more robust recycling program and at the District Office, educating staff on waste prevention/recycling, and offering recycling at some of the popular recreation sites they manage. The Green Team is a group of nine employees who work together to reduce the federal government’s environmental footprint and find sustainable business practices including reducing waste, energy use, and water use.
2018 Recycler of the Year – Innovation Award: St. Vincent de Paul Society of Lane County
Terry McDonald spins garbage into housing, jobs, new products.
2018 Recycler of the Year - Youth Education: Churchill High School, Rachel Carson Academy Master Recycling Program
Science teacher Helen Haberman facilitates the only school-based Master Recycler training program in the state using most of the same presenters and tours sites as the adult class, including Recycling 101 online.
2018 Recycler of the Year - Higher Education: University of Oregon Zero Waste Program
What is Zero Waste?
Zero Waste is a philosophy and a design principle for the 21st Century. It includes 'recycling' but goes beyond recycling by taking a 'whole system' approach to the vast flow of resources and waste through human society.
NRC Quarterly Market Development Networking Webinar Focus on China’s Import Restrictions Initiative
NRC Quarterly Market Development Networking Webinar Focus on China’s Import Restictions Initiative, Part II with Robin Weiner, President of the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries and NRC Board Member.