Paul Lepinsky - Remembering an industry legend
Submitted by Heidi Logosz, Sustainability Mgr. & Executive Administrator, Mt. Hood Meadows and Cooper Spur Mtn. Resort
Paul Lepinsky recently shuddered A&P Recycling in The Dalles after forty five years of service. Those who know Paul Lepinsky know that recycling is in his DNA.
Southern Oregon Goodwill Stops Accepting E-Wate
In a major shift for one of the region’s biggest nonprofits — which makes its living off others’ castoffs — Southern Oregon Goodwill is no longer accepting e-waste.
Portland to welcome its first Zero Waste Conference
From Press Released by Recycling Advocates and Zero Waste PDX
Recycling Advocates is partnering with Zero Waste PDX, a local sustainability consulting company, to organize Portland’s first Zero Waste Conference, which will take place on Sunday 14th October at Taborspace, in Southeast Portland.
Tackle Contamination Through Behavior Change
If only changing behavior were as easy as raising awareness! We know that behavior can be trickier to achieve than awareness. But let’s start with a simple ask and recognize that effective communication for recycling behavior can tap into psychology, education and marketing insights. That's a lot of insights! Fear not - The Recycling Partnership has the tools to keep your messaging fresh.
eBay Foundation Awards Lloyd EcoDistrict $20,000 Grant
Press Release from the Lloyd Ecodistrict on 9/5/2018
Lloyd EcoDistrict announced today that it is the recipient of a $20,000 grant from the eBay Foundation. The funds will be used to help launch Lloyd Delivers, the Lloyd EcoDistrict-led initiative that promotes upstream and downstream solutions to food waste and hunger starting in the Lloyd neighborhood and at eBay Portland’s Downtown office.
SWANA Encourages Use of New Metrics to Measure Recycling
From Waste Today, by Adam Redling
The Recycling Partnership's Coastal & Waterway Community Recycling Grant Closes 9/21
Coastal Cart Grant Application Closes Sept. 21
Mathy Stanislaus on what it will take to make waste a climate issue
From WasteDive, by Cole Rosengren
Mathy Stanislaus, former assistant administrator of the EPA's Office of Land and Emergency Management under the Obama administration, delivered a complex and thought-provoking keynote talk at WASTECON in Nashville, Tennessee last week.
Waste Dive spoke to him afterward, the first time since he left the EPA in 2016, to learn more.
EPA Webinar: Preventing Food Waste Upstream - A Source Reduction Approach Part II
Thursday, September 20, 2018 at 1:00 - 2:30 pm ET
Register for this free webinar