Interested in serving on one our committees?
Complete the committee interest form and we'll be in touch!
Conference Committee
The Conference Committee develops a variety of aspects of the annual conference including sessions, tours and activities, and the silent auction. The group starts meeting in the fall each year and continues meeting through spring leading up to our Conference in June. Committee members spend a few hours in between each meeting working on their tasks.
Equity Committee Committee
The Equity Committee meets monthly, to help AOR advance its equity mission and goals. Visit our Equity tab to learn more about the committee and how to join.
Legislative Committee
The Legislative Committee's purpose is to discuss materials management-related bills, provide feedback and make recommendations to the AOR Board to support, protest or remain neutral on bills introduced to the Oregon Legislature.
The legislative committee represents the membership of AOR and supports the organization’s goal to advance equity within the materials management industry. The legislative chair will conduct a recruitment and make recommendations to the Board, who will appoint a committee of 10 members for two-year terms, with approximately half of the terms expiring at the end of any given year.
Any member of AOR, except standing members of the Board, is eligible to serve on the committee. The Board will prioritize all appointments using an equity lens to include members representative of Oregon's urban and rural communities, and representative of Oregon's demographic diversity, including but not limited to race and ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation, age, ability, and socioeconomic status.
The current committee members and charter can be found here.
Details about the 2024 Legislative Session can be found here