2018 Recycler of the Year – Individual: Eva Aguilar, Washington County
Eva Aguilar has gone above and beyond the normal scope of her duties promoting waste prevention and recycling to Washington County's Latino community in her role as Bilingual Program Educator.
Over the past year in this role, Eva has vastly expanded engagement with Washington County's Latino community and has spearheaded multiple innovative equity projects.
2018 Recycler of the Year – Nonprofit: NextStep Recycling
Nextstep Recycling's mission is to provide technology and training to children and adults who have barriers to employment and education, while protecting the environment and community from hazardous waste.
Since starting in 2002 Nextstep has kept millions of pounds of toxic waste out of landfills and has refurbished thousands of computers and granted them back out into the community and to communities around the world.
2018 Recycler of the Year – Business or Institution Winner: Port of Portland, Green Plate Pilot Program
Green Plate Pilot Program at Portland International Airport
Grants Grants Grants!
There are several grant opportunities available:
Metro's Investment and Innovation grants are available for projects that involve waste reduction, reuse, recycling, composting or energy recovery in the Portland Metro region. Nonprofits and for-profit businesses can apply.
Introducing the U.S. EPA Excess Food Opportunities Map
Introducing the U.S. EPA Excess Food Opportunities Map
Thursday, July 12, 2018 at 1:00 - 2:30 pm EDT
To register for this free webinar visit, https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6859958989880408067
Meet Jennifer Stefanick, AOR's New Membership Chair
Jennifer Stefanick, a new addition to the AOR Board as Membership Chair, comes from a background of recycling and waste prevention, particularly food waste prevention.
Her recent efforts in these areas included managing the Portland Event Recycling program with Community Environmental Services (CES) and the City of Portland working with community members to assist in making their events as sustainable as possible.
Meet Joel Schoening, AOR's new Marketing Chair
I grew up in California and have called Oregon home since arriving in Eugene 20 years ago for graduate school.
After completing a Ph.D. in sociology, I taught and conducted on research in social change, democracy, and sustainable development.
The Recycling Partnership Launches New Website
Time is tight. Always. Here’s something to loosen yours up a bit: our new and improved website. Looking for resources? They're a click away.
AOR Elects New Board Members
At this year's annual AOR meeting on Thursday, June 14th at the 2018 Sustainable Oregon Conference in Eugene, Oregon, members elected five new board members:
Ali Briggs-Ungerer was elected for her second-term as AOR Board Chair, after current chair, Pete Chism-Winfield decided to step down from the position as he and his wife are expecting their second child in September. Congrats to Ali on her new position and to the Chism-Winfield's on their upcoming bundle of joy!
Taste the Waste at Paul Hawken Keynote Presentation at McDonald Theater
Back in 2011, the City of Eugene Waste Prevention and Green Building Program started their first targeted food waste program, which was aimed at commercial businesses.
They worked with their garbage haulers and commercial composter, Rexius, and from those partnerships, Love Food Not Waste was born!