Job Openings
If you have a job opening related to sustainable materials management, please send us a short description including position, company, location, salary, application deadline, and a link to more information.
Food Systems Specialist (Natural Resource Specialist 4)
Application Deadline: 03/23/2025
Agency: Department of Environmental Quality
Salary Range: $6,122 - $9,409
Position Type: Employee
Learn More and Apply
As the Food Systems Specialist, you will provide key staff leadership for the Food Systems team in the Materials Management Program, and lead implementation of DEQ’s new food systems strategic plan. You will develop program goals, strategies, policy priorities and action plans to reduce the environmental, social, and health impacts of food and other high impact materials produced, used, consumed, and/or discarded in Oregon. You will design and manage new projects, research and pilot programs to support sustainable production, consumption and waste management of food. You will collaborate with partners across the food chain, and act as a statewide expert on food waste and sustainable food systems.