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Oregon Bottle Bill

2018 Bottle Bill Expansion Information

As of January 1, 2018, additional beverages will be included in Oregon’s Bottle Bill and will have a refund value of 10 cents per container (ORS 459A.702).

Included: Most beverages will be added in sealed glass, metal, and plastic cans and bottles in sizes from 4 ounces up to and including 1.5 liters.

Examples of common beverages that are included:

  • Coffee/Tea
  • Kombucha
  • Energy and Sports Drinks
  • Hard Cider
  • Juice
  • Soda, Beer, and Water will continue to be included (3 liters or less in size).

Beverages that are NOT included:

  • Wine/Distilled Spirits
  • Milk (dairy and plant-based)
  • Infant Formula
  • Meal-Replacement Drinks

The refund value on all beverages included in Oregon’s Bottle Bill is 10 cents regardless of what is written on the label. Manufacturers have until January 1, 2019 to include the 10-cent refund value on containers for the new beverages.

Background on Bottle Bill Expansion

On June 9, 2011, Governor Kitzhaber signed HB 3145, the modernization of the Bottle Bill, into law.

HB 3145 does three primary things:

  • Expands the deposit container list to cover most beverage containers. No later than 2018, beverages between four ounces and 1.5 liters will require a deposit with the exception of wine, liquor, milk, and infant formula.
  • Increases the bottle deposit from 5 to 10 cents, but only if the redemption rate is below 80 percent for two consecutive calendar years, and no sooner than 2017.
  • Permits a one-time pilot project for a larger redemption center than is possible under existing law and rules. This pilot redemption center will serve up to a 3 mile radius, with stores in the outer ring (1.5-3 miles) required to continue taking back up to 24 containers per person daily at their store.

A big thank you to all AOR members and allies that called their legislators and supported our efforts to modernize the Bottle Bill!

For More Information

AOR's Bottle Bill Fact Sheet (pdf)
More information about the modernization of the Bottle Bill as well as the Bottle Bill's benefits.

DEQ's Bottle Bill Page
Information on recycling of containers under the Bottle Bill and the effectiveness of bottle bill options implemented in other states and provinces.

DEQ’s Bottle Bill Then and Now: History of the Bottle Bill
A summary of the history and the current context of the Oregon Bottle Bill.

Oregon Liquor Control Commission (OLCC)
The OLCC is the agency granted authority by the Oregon legislature to administer and enforce the Bottle Bill.

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