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2018 Recycler of the Year – Innovation Award: St. Vincent de Paul Society of Lane County

Terry McDonald spins garbage into housing, jobs, new products.

Through Cascade Alliance SVdP of Lane County is mentoring other non-profits to help them build the same type of success from the waste stream. During Oregon's economic downturn the thrift industry was doing fine and SVdP of Lane County was adding jobs and continues to do so, year after year.

SVdP makes several new products from half burned candles, fashion earrings from scratched vinyl records and wall decorations from the decorative voids left by the cut out earrings, decorative glass objects and awards from old window glass, reclaims propane to power their forklifts, cleans Freon gas for the secondary market, is the only collector of block Styrofoam for recycling in Lane County, is a leader in mattress recycling and for the last several years SVdP has employed a full time designer who creates edgy fashion from unsellable clothing.

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