Recycler of the Year: Lifetime Achievement Award - Delyn Kies
This award was given to Delyn Kies in recognition of her many years as a leader in sustainable materials management in Oregon. Delyn helped draft the 1983 Oregon Recycling Opportunity Act, which required cities with populations over 4,000 to provide a minimum of monthly curbside recycling service to all garbage service customers.
DEQ Offers Micro-Grants to Small Reuse/Repair Businesses and Organizations
In December, Oregon DEQ published a Reuse, Repair and Product Lifespan Extension Strategic Plan, which is available for download on the DEQ website. Many of you provided input to help develop that plan, which was much appreciated.
DEQ Materials Management Grants Open: Expands grant opportunities for the prevention, reuse or recovery of solid waste
Release Date: Friday, July 14, 2017
Recycler of the Year: Collector/Processor - Republic Services
Republic Services is one of the leading providers of organics collection and processing in the Oregon region. The Process and Recovery Center opened in 1992 and was first used to process urban wood and to make hog fuel. In 1993, they began to process yard debris there. Republic Services started the first curbside yard debris program in Oregon, in the City of Corvallis and that material was taken to The Process and Recovery Center.
Recycler of the Year: Government Employee - David McCall, Tillamook County
David McCall was hired as Tillamook County’s solid waste director in 2012. Since then he has helped to launch many programs that have helped advanced sustainable materials management in Oregon.
These programs include:
DEQ to offer ten scholarships to Decon + Reuse ’17 Conference in Portland
The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality is offering ten scholarships for Oregon deconstruction and reuse professionals to attend the Decon + Reuse '17 conference in Portland, Sept. 25-27, 2017.
Recycler of the Year: Non-Profit Organization - Birch Community Services
Birch Community Services was started in 1992. Their mission is to provide a community where people can be responsible and accountable for meeting their basic needs and to equip them with tools to overcome financial difficulty. They do this by providing education to clients, facilitating a network of food and product donation, and they share their bounty with partner agencies.
Questions from the Sustainable Oregon 2017 Conference Keynote
This year's keynote address at the 2017 Sustainable Oregon Conference at Salishan Spa and Golf Resort on June 7th was jam-packed with information presented by Nina Goodrich, Executive Director of the Sustainable Packaging Coalition.
Recycler of the Year: Company/Organization - Fort George Brewery
Fort George Brewery opened in Astoria in March 2007. They have always kept their environmental impact in mind.
Astoria does not have any sustainability or solid waste and recycling staff, so Fort George hired their own Sustainability Director, Renee, in May of 2016.
Education/Promotion Program of the Year - The ReBuilding Center
The ReBuilding Center focuses on the highest parts of the waste hierarchy; Reduce and Reuse. They inspire people to make mindful use of the excess materials from local construction and deconstruction projects, which greatly reduces the need for these items to be processed in local transfer stations.