Recycling Advocates Launches "Bring Your Own Cup" Campaign
Recycling Advocates (RA) has launched a new awareness campaign in local coffee shops called Bring Your Own Cup, aimed at reducing the number of single-use (disposable) coffee cups sent to landfills from the Portland Metro area.
WEBINAR: Product Stewardship in Action: The Business Case for Lifecycle Thinking
Product Stewardship in Action: The Business Case for Lifecycle Thinking
Thursday, April 27, 2017 (2:30 pm - 3:30 pm EST)
WEBINAR: Roadmap to WRAP
Announcement from the American Chemistry Council
Join the American Chemistry Council for their webinar, "Roadmap to WRAP"
Senate votes to smooth transition to 10-cent deposit
HB 2746 helps remove confusion, reduce waste, in 'Bottle Bill' increase
SALEM – The Oregon Senate passed a bill today to smooth the process and reduce potential waste when the 5-cent bottle deposit rises to 10 cents at stores statewide on April 1.
Get Involved with AOR!
AOR's biggest challenge is to make sure we’re providing collaborative and substantive learning opportunities to members. In order to do that we need support through memberships, sponsorships and event attendance.
March Markets Update
This month there were continued improvements in cardboard, mixed paper, homogenous plastic grades, and ferrous metals.
Definitely, a good month across many of the commodity grades, and the improvements continue the trend of rising values for comingle materials.
Of course, there are some discussions that markets are slowing/peaking, especially on the OCC and mixed paper grades.
Sustainable Oregon 2017 Keynote Speaker Announced
Graduate Scholarships in Solid Waste Research Available for the 2017-2018 Academic Year
The Environmental Research & Education Foundation (EREF) is one of the largest sources of solid waste research funding in the U.S., allocating approximately $1 million annually in research grants and graduate level scholarships.
Student Member Spotlight - Grace Stainback
Welcome new student member Grace Stainback!
Name: Grace Stainback
In what University/College are you currently enrolled, or if an Americorps Volunteer, where are you working/volunteering?
Portland State University
Tell us about your major or current career path: