September BottleDrop Blue Bag Challenge!
Phil Torchino, founder of Bend area recycling company, The Broomsmen, challenges AOR members to match his BottleDrop donations to AOR.
Phil collected and redeemed over 2,335 bottles and cans in June and July with all the money going to AOR!
GoGreen Portland Conference
GoGreen Portland is Tuesday, October 17 at the Gerding Center (Portland Center Stage) Now in its tenth year, GoGreen Portland has established itself as the largest regional conference for business and government decision-makers to come together for one day to learn from recognized community leaders to adv
Businesses and producer responsibility: lead or be led?
From the NWPSC August 2017 Newsletter
Call for 2018 Conference Planning Committee Members
The conference planning committee will be kicking off in early September so now is your chance to let us know if you'd like to get involved!
Putting the annual conference together is a team effort, and great way to be involved with and support AOR. There are many ways you can help, depending on your interests and what your schedule/time commitment looks like.
Weed Waste: The 1.7 Million Pound Problem in Washington
Since legalization in 2014, Washington State's legal marijuana industry has generated over 1.7 million pounds of potentially compostable waste that is instead mostly being sent to landfills.
Read more at The Stranger, who reported the story.
$64M Tissue Plant Opens in Scappoose, adds 80 Jobs to Economy
Cascades, a Canadian based-multinational company specializing in tissue products with a big emphasis on using recycled materials, opened a tissue conversion plant in Scappoose, adding 80 jobs in rural Columbia County earlier this month.
Zero Waste Washington Plastics Summit
Zero Waste Washington will host a Plastics Summit on Sept. 25 in Tukwila, WA, 9am-4pm.
Washington State passes first solar stewardship bill in nation
On July 7, 2017, Washington Gov.