AOR Conference Fundraising Success!
What do bottles of wine, bags of compost and two airline tickets all have in common? They were all items in the silent auction at AORs latest Sustainable Oregon conference. Items donated by business such as Fort George Brewing, DIY Bar and Rexius Inc. helped to raise more than $2,400 for AORs scholarship fund. Add in the $1,025 raised from the 50/50 raffle and together we raised close to $3,500!!
Take a virtual tour of one of the most advanced C&D recycling operations in the U.S.
Cost: $79.00
Zanker Recycling began operations of the Zanker Road Landfill in 1985 with only five (5) years of landfill capacity remaining; increased its life to 26 years by focusing on and, in some cases, inventing recycling equipment and methods. As one of the most advanced C&D recycling operations in the United States, the facility is continually enhancing its operations.
Webinar participants will take a virtual tour of the recycling facilities. This includes:
New Report Shows Massachusetts Bottle Bill Law Creates Nearly 1,500 Jobs and Contributes Up to $151 Million to State GDP
Press Release from the Container Recycling Institute
Analysis From Container Recycling Institute Details Significant Employment and Economic Impacts of the Commonwealth’s Current Beverage Container Deposit Return System
Washington & Oregon Higher Education Sustainability Conference
The Washington & Oregon Higher Education Sustainability Conference (WOHESC) is a platform for empowering and inspiring change making, facilitating action, and for sharing, networking, and collaboration related to sustainability within the region's higher education institutions.
AOR Sustainable Oregon 2017 Exhibitors to Fill the Hall!
The exhibit hall is always a hot spot of action during the AOR Sustainable Oregon Conference and this year is no exception. With the networking breakfast, breaks, and silent auction all taking place in the exhibit hall, it will be a hub of activity throughout the week.
WEBINAR: What Is the State of Curbside Recycling in the U.S.?
In its inaugural State of Curbside Report, The Recycling Partnership identifies key attributes of the highest-performing cities (those collecting more than 400 pounds per household, per year) for recovering recyclables curbside in the U.S. One common attribute that the cities shared was that each community had some sort of public action to support recycling.
EREF Summit on Organics
The EREF Summit on Organics will bring together practicing engineers, academics, industry professionals, government personnel, and policy makers to discuss topics related to organics management.
The Summit will include:
- One (1) full day of presentations and discussion related to organics management (July 25th)
- Site visit to two (2) compositing facilities: Burrtec Waste Industries in Fontana, CA & Inland Empire Regional Composting Authority (IERCA) in Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Tentative topics to be covered:
EPR in US: Campaigns Solving Your Toughest Waste Problems
Join this SWANA webinar featuring Heidi Sanborn, Executive Director, National Stewardship Action Council and Doug Kobold, Waste Management Program Manager, Department of Waste Management & Recycling, County of Sacramento, CA, who will be sharing their experiences on the state of EPR efforts in the U.S.
Join SWANA Oregon for Their Spring Tour
The Board of SWANA Oregon Chapter extends an invitation to you for their Spring Tour! Join them as they make the voyage south to visit our friends in Southern Oregon.