Recycler of the Year: Government Employee - David McCall, Tillamook County
David McCall was hired as Tillamook County’s solid waste director in 2012. Since then he has helped to launch many programs that have helped advanced sustainable materials management in Oregon.
These programs include:
- Yard debris program: This program was launched in collaboration with the Oregon Department of Forestry. This program now represents 2% of the waste generated in Tillamook County. During the last 11 months, 1,100 tons of yard debris has been diverted from the landfill.
- Asphalt shingle recycling: 500 tons of asphalt shingles are being diverted from the landfill and used for asphalt roads in Tillamook County. This represents 1% of the waste stream in Tillamook County.
- Latex paint recycling: Tillamook County’s local latex paint recycling program has reblended 1,500 gallons of paint so far in 2017. This material is kept locally and reduces the environmental impact of transporting it for reuse.
- Microplastics: Tillamook County has started cleaning up microplastics on local beaches.
- Community recycling trailer: This trailer was implemented in 2016 in an effort to bring recycling opportunities to communities that are more than 5 miles away from a depot or other recycling opportunity.
- Styrofoam recycling: Tillamook County purchased a mobile densifier through DEQ’s grant program. They can densify the material at the collection site, which reduces transportation for this process. During the past 6 months, they have compacted approximately 450 cubic yards of Styrofoam into blocks that fit on 3 pallets. Just based on the volume reduction, that has saved about three trailers that haul solid waste to the landfill, reducing the need for those trips and about 125 gallons of fuel.
- Master Recyclers: Tillamook County has instituted the newest Master Recycler program in the state.
It is David’s leadership that has helped all of this come to fruition. But David is also quick to point out that much of this would not be possible without help from Sue Owens (Tillamook County’s part-time outreach coordinator), Liane Welch (Director of Tillamook County Public Works), and the support of the 27 Master Recyclers that have graduated from Tillamook County’s program.
Photo: David McCall, Tillamook County; Photo courtesy of Carter Hubbard