Oregon Higher Education Sustainability Conference
The Oregon Higher Education Sustainability Conference (OHESC) is a platform for empowering and inspiring change making, facilitating action, and for sharing, networking, and collaboration related to sustainability within Oregon's higher education institutions.
I Can Fix That! Repair of Small Electronic Devices
I Can Fix That! Repair of Small Electronic Devices
Learn from the founder of a wiki-based website that teaches people how to fix almost anything and empowers individuals to share their technical knowledge with the rest of the world.
Date: Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Time: 1:30 - 2:45PM ET
Cost: Free
Technical Complexity: Moderate
Speaker: Kyle Wiens, Co-founder and CEO, iFixit
AOR Members Receive Discount to OHESC Conference
The Oregon Higher Education Sustainability Conference (OHESC) is a platform for empowering and inspiring change making, facilitating action, and for sharing, networking, and collaboration related to sustainability within Oregon's higher education institutions.
Local Students Piece Together First Lego League Victories
This year's First Lego League competition had the theme of "Trash Trek" and two area teams are headed to national tournaments later this year. AOR promoted the competition last fall and the tournament and 15th annual Intel Oregon FIRST LEGO League Championship Tournaments held over the weekend in Hillsboro.
Metro Council Proceeds with Caution on Garbage Next Steps
At a work session Jan. 12 the Metro Council directed staff to explore two options that use the Portland region’s garbage as a resource: burning trash to make electricity, and post-collection garbage sorting that could increase what the region already recycles.
Sled Dumping a Big Mess for Oregon National Forests
The hefty winter snowfall has inspired Oregonians to flock to sno-parks in local national forests, but the crowds have left rangers with a big mess to clean up behind them: dumped sleds.
Oregon stakeholder meetings on EPR for HHW
Oregon stakeholder meetings on EPR for HHW
In 2015, Metro, the regional government in the Portland, Oregon metropolitan area, drafted a statewide concept bill under which manufacturers selling designated products such as pesticides, solvents, and flammable liquids into the state would be responsible for providing stewardship programs for the collection and proper management of waste from those products.
New Reports Reveal Success of Paint Recycling Program
This article from the Product Stewardship Institute (PSI) press release.
WSRA Announces Conference Scholarship Deadline
Each year WSRA invites students interested in the recycling industry to apply for scholarships to attend their annual conference as a part of our Student Guest Program.
Portland Tribune Reports Metro to Consider Garbage Burning
Metro’s elected leaders will decide Tuesday whether to pursue burning the Portland area’s garbage to produce electricity at an incinerator four miles north of Salem.