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Sled Dumping a Big Mess for Oregon National Forests

The hefty winter snowfall has inspired Oregonians to flock to sno-parks in local national forests, but the crowds have left rangers with a big mess to clean up behind them: dumped sleds.

The Oregonian reports more than 100 trashed sleds and 30 to 40 deflated inner tubes were left at the Wanoga Sno-Park the day after New Year's Day - a haul that took three truckloads to take to the park dumpster. From there, the U.S. Forest Service paid to have the sleds picked up and taken to a dump.

Sleds are not recyclable, and the dumping flies in the face of a well-revered commandment in Oregon parks – "leave no trace". So remember, pack it in, pack it out, and dispose of the broken sleds and inner tubes properly by putting them in the trash, not your recycling.

Read more here

Photo and article from the Oregonian.

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