Cart to Art: Turning Recycling Cart Junk into Recycled Art Funk
Straub Environmental Center’s 2nd Annual Fall Fundraiser
Saturday, November 14, 2015 6pm – 8pm
Salem Convention Center
$30 ticket
RSVP by November 6
Oregon DEQ Reuse, Repair and Product Lifespan Extension Project
Please join Oregon DEQ for the kickoff meeting of the Reuse, Repair and Product Lifespan Extension Project on October 20 from 3 to 4:30 p.m. During this 90-minute meeting, to be conducted in-person at DEQ’s downtown Portland headquarters with live webinar and call-in options, staff will introduce the project, provide some overview information on the project’s goals and timeline and host a discussion session to get your initial feedback, identify potential barriers or issues and gather your ideas on opportunities, including other people and organizations to involve.
FIRST Lego League and ORTOP Tackles Trash at this Year's Tournament
FIRST LEGO League is an international program available to kids ages 9-14 years old, typically in 4th-8th grade.
Northwest Environmental Conference & Tradeshow
The conference for today’s environmental, operations, and sustainability professionals. Featuring the Northwest's largest environmental trade show
Keeping You Up-to-Date on:
• Environmental Protection & Compliance
• Sustainable Business Management
• New Technologies & Services
On The Road: BRING Recycling Tour
AOR's second "On the Road Tour" was held on September 29 in Eugene at Lane Community College, Bring Recycling, and the Lane County Transfer Station. We had an intimate group of roughly 20 AOR members from all over the northwest. One member even joined us from Port Angeles, Washington!
Cultural Competency Training
AOR is hosting a cultural competency training led by Maketa Wilborn on October 23rd, from 9am - 4pm at the Oregon Metro Regional Center.
AOR Members Receive Discount to Conference
The Northwest Environmental Conference and Tradeshow will be held on Tuesday, December 8th and Wednesday, December 9th at the Red Lion Hotel on Jantzen's Beach in Portland, Oregon.
AOR Sustainable Oregon 2016 Call for Presentations
Sustainable Oregon 2016, AOR’s 38th annual conference, will be held at the Double Tree Hotel at the Lloyd Center in Portland, Oregon on June 8-10.
We are expecting approximately 300 people representing a diversity of the recycling industry in Oregon and the Northwest. AOR wants to get your input on relevant and exciting speakers and session topics, and is now collecting session proposals.
Recycling 101 Certificate Program Offers CEUs/PDUs; Now in Spanish!
Recycling 101, overseen by the Association of Oregon Recyclers and available online through Oregon State University’s Ecampus, is a non-credit professional development course designed to educate participants about recycling, waste prevention, and composting.