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Oregon stakeholder meetings on EPR for HHW

Oregon stakeholder meetings on EPR for HHW
In 2015, Metro, the regional government in the Portland, Oregon metropolitan area, drafted a statewide concept bill under which manufacturers selling designated products such as pesticides, solvents, and flammable liquids into the state would be responsible for providing stewardship programs for the collection and proper management of waste from those products.

An informational hearing on the proposal was held at the legislature (see HB 3251-1 proposed amendments (PDF) and HB 3251-1 information (PDF)). Metro will be holding the first of three stakeholder meetings about the bill January 25, 2016. The stakeholder meetings will be designed to provide the opportunity for producers, local governments, state government, the solid waste disposal and recycling industry and other members of the community to share their perspectives on the proposal.

Additional information on the meeting will be forthcoming: contact Scott Klag, Senior Planner, Metro.

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