WEBINAR: Making LCA More True to Life: A New Standard Protocol to Improve Accuracy and Enable Comparability of LCA’s
Until now, the practice of generating LCAs has been a Wild West of sorts, resulting in--at best--the inability to truly compare like products from different companies, and--at worst--serious cases of greenwashing.
WEBINAR: Innovative Collaborations in the Hospitality Sector to increase Food Recovery
A study conducted for the Food Waste Reduction Alliance found that households account for 47% of wasted food, followed by restaurants at 37%, institutions at 11%; manufacturers 3% and retailers are responsible for 2%.
WEBINAR: Reuse: A Triple-Bottom Line Solution
Learn about the positive impact reuse can have on your state, community, organization, or business Triple Bottom Line!
Who Should Attend: Materials management professionals, nonprofit organizers, state/community/tribal leaders and activists, business owners, and others wanting to advance reuse in their communities.
Association of Oregon Counties Conference
The Annual Conference will be held November 17, 18, 19 at the Hilton Conference Center in Eugene (pre-conference day is November 16). Please visit the AOC website homepage for registration and accommodation information. Click on the conference logo in the upper right hand corner of the front page. The theme of the 2015 Annual Conference is “Setting the Table for Success.” In other words, “Don’t be on the menu,” which is the sub theme.
ORRA Fall Convention
The registration and detailed information will be available in early August.
SWANA Northwest Symposium
The SWANA Northwest Regional Symposium will be held in Vancouver B.C.
The theme for this year's symposium is "The Nuts & Bolts of Solid Waste: A New Tool Kit"
Visit the SWANA BC Chapter's website for the the preliminary agenda.
Oregon Green Schools Summit
The Summit is an opportunity for students from across the state to convene for a day of celebration, learning and networking.
Plastics Recycling 2016
Plastics Recycling 2016 is the focal point for the increasingly complex and international plastics recycling industry. The event, now in its 11th year, brings together plastics reclaimers, equipment manufacturers, brand owners, brokers, government officials and leading sustainability voices from around the globe to deepen connections and push the sector forward. Don’t miss out on the industry event of the year.