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AOR Members Receive Discount to OHESC Conference

The Oregon Higher Education Sustainability Conference (OHESC) is a platform for empowering and inspiring change making, facilitating action, and for sharing, networking, and collaboration related to sustainability within Oregon's higher education institutions.

OHESC 2016 features two days of sustainability-related presentations, workshops, and networking for professionals, faculty, and students serving in a variety of roles around sustainability at our state's campuses. 

Find out more online.

What: Oregon Higher Education Sustainability Conference 
When: February 4-5, 2016
Where: Lane Community College | Center for Meeting and Learning
Registration & Cost: Tickets range from $35-$175, check out the Registration page for full details
Who Attends: Faculty, Students. Operational Staff, Student Development Staff, Administrators and Non-profit, Government and community Stakeholders.

AOR members receive a 30% discount off tickets. Visit the OHESC conference page to register at the discounted rate.

Thank You to Our Sustainable Oregon 2024 Sponsors

Title Sponsor

Waste Connections

Scholarship Sponsor