Oh Golly, Goodbye Holly! (And Hello Josy!)
After serving six months as AOR’s Membership Chair, Holly Stirnkorb announced at our December meeting that she would stepping down at the end of the month. Holly works for the Oregon DEQ and her dedication to her work forced a difficult decision to resign from the Board. During her time on the Board, Holly was instrumental in developing a new membership outreach plan and her input and smiling face will be missed from the Board.
SWANA Oregon Winter Forum
The Oregon SWANA Board invites all members to attend this fantastic event which will include a board meeting, annual membership meeting, presentations, and round table discussions. We’ll be having two one-hour technical sessions that should be of keen interest to our membership.
Webinar: RecycleMania: Overview of Rules & Tracking Requirements
RecycleMania staff will review the competition rules in depth, including requirements and tips for tracking weight data. Staff will also be available to answer participant questions.
Support AOR With Your BottleDrop Deposits
Did you know recycling can help support AOR? With BottleDrop, you can donate your redemption earnings from recycling bottles and cans to AOR in two ways:
RA and AOR Receive DEQ Grant for Recycling 101 Course Update
Recycling Advocates and AOR were awarded a grant from the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to assist in updating the Recycling 101 online course.
Join SWANA Oregon for Their Winter Forum
The 2017 Winter Forum will be held on Thursday, February 9 at the Chemeketa Center for Business and Industry in Salem. The Oregon SWANA Board invites all members to attend this fantastic event which will include a board meeting, annual membership meeting, presentations. and round table discussions.
A New Year Message From Your Board Chair
Dear AOR members,
Calling All Oregon Colleges and Universities for RecycleMania 2017
The 2017 RecycleMania Tournament is right around the corner, and AOR encourages all colleges and universities in Oregon to get involved!
Webinar: Update on Carton Recycling
The Carton Council is holding a webinar specifically for local recycling coordinators and directors; state and county leaders; and others in the recycling industry.
This webinar will provide an update on the Carton Council’s 60 percent household access milestone.
Join us to learn about this exciting milestone in carton recycling, our upcoming national education campaign, and how your community can get involved.
AOR Sustainable Oregon Conference
Join us for Sustainable Oregon 2017, AOR's 39th Annual Conference & Tradeshow, June 7-9 at the Salishan Resort in Gleneden Beach, OR!