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RA and AOR Receive DEQ Grant for Recycling 101 Course Update

Recycling 101Recycling Advocates and AOR were awarded a grant from the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to assist in updating the Recycling 101 online course.

AOR is proud to be partnering with Recycling Advocates and DEQ to strengthen and expand the Recycling 101 class for all Oregonians.

We thank DEQ for the confidence of funding for this project that will among other things help market the class to a broader audience. The success of this class will result in better waste prevention techniques, and help Oregon approach our materials management goals that have made our state a leader in this arena.

“With gratitude, the Association of Oregon Recyclers (AOR) will accept Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) grant funds to market Recycling 101, the online class, to Oregonians living in rural areas. This is an exciting partnership between AOR, DEQ, and Recycling Advocates to advance a clearer understanding of our consumption habits and how they fit into the system of materials and waste management, through taking the Recycling 101 online class.” – Pete Chism-Winfield, Chair, AOR

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