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Join SWANA Oregon for Their Winter Forum

SWANA OregonThe 2017 Winter Forum will be held on Thursday, February 9 at the Chemeketa Center for Business and Industry in Salem. The Oregon SWANA Board invites all members to attend this fantastic event which will include a board meeting, annual membership meeting, presentations. and round table discussions. We’ll be having two one hour technical sessions that should be of keen interest to our membership. 



10:00 - Board Meeting (all members welcome to attend!)

11:00 - Annual Membership Meeting

12:00 - Lunch

1:00 - Presentations and Discussion

3:00 - Adjourn

Board Meeting - Come listen in on the plans for the upcoming year and see how you can get involved!

Membership Meeting - Find out what your Beaver Chapter Board has been working on and ensure you are getting the full benefit of your membership.

Presentations - Two one hour sessions. One session will be a deep dive into successful metals treatment for stormwater compliance and beneficial reuse of compost for stormwater treatment. The other session will highlight updates on implementation of SB 263 and broader materials management issues to include food waste prevention and materials management grant opportunities. They anticipate several stakeholder positions being represented around SB 263. 

Don't miss this fantastic event to network with peers in the industry and get an update on waste in Oregon! Register now!

Thank You to Our Sustainable Oregon 2024 Sponsors

Title Sponsor

Waste Connections

Scholarship Sponsor