How do packaging EPR programs impact cost of goods and product design?
Packaging EPR programs improve packaging design and reduce the costs of recovering materials due to higher system efficiency. However, there is a lack of understanding among U.S. stakeholders as to exactly how EPR systems influence packaging design, as well as how shifting financial responsibility to producers can impact the cost of consumer goods.
Recycler and Waste Hauler Perspectives on EPR for Packaging
In contrast to the U.S. recycling system of contractual agreements between haulers and recyclers with municipalities or residents, other countries – which operate under an extended producer responsibility (EPR) structure – rely on a central body to coordinate the recycling network, increasing efficiency and recovery.
National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day
The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality encourages people throughout the state to take part in a nationwide effort to collect unused, unwanted or expired medications so they can be disposed of properly. The event takes place at locations throughout Oregon on Saturday, Oct. 22 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The federal Drug Enforcement Administration, in association with hundreds of law enforcement, public health and other organizations, conduct the National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day.
October Markets Snapshot
Commodities have slid backwards for October 2016. OCC, Mixed Paper, Plastics, and Ferrous Metals all softened and will have a negative impact on the value of commingled material.
Sustainable Oregon 2017 - Save the Date
With the return of the rain, it's the perfect time to start daydreaming about your summer vacation! And what better place to go than the Salishan Spa and Golf Resort on June 7-9th, 2017 for AOR's Sustainable Oregon 2017 Conference? That's right, we're headed back to the beach, and it's not too early to start planning your stay.
AOR Seeks Committee Members
Looking for a way to get more involved with AOR? Volunteering for one of our committees is a great way to network and get plugged into latest industry issues!
The following committees are seeking volunteers:
Conference Committee
Washington Organics Recycling Council conference
Do you know about the Washington Organics Recycling Council conference on November 15 and 16 in Vancouver, Washington? If your work involves organics recycling, then this event is for you!
AOR Fall Forum Save the Date!
AOR's Fall Forum on Disaster Debris Management and Preparedness will be held Thursday, November 10th, at McMenamins Edgefield.
Stay tuned for agenda and registration information coming soon!
Sustainable Oregon 2017 Call for Presentations
Sustainable Oregon 2017 Call for Presentations
Sustainable Oregon 2017, AOR’s 39th annual conference, will be held June 7th - 9th, 2017 at the Salishan Resort in Glendeden Beach on Oregon's beautiful central coast.