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Calling All Oregon Colleges and Universities for RecycleMania 2017

2017 RecycleMania TournamentThe 2017 RecycleMania Tournament is right around the corner, and AOR encourages all colleges and universities in Oregon to get involved!

Throughout February and March of 2017, campuses across the country will be rallying students and staff to step up their recycling game and reduce waste as part of this friendly competition. Registration closes February 3, so register now! Join the colleges, including Oregon State University, who have all already signed up for the 2017 competition.

Visit to get full details, including competition dates, and to sign-up for a series of orientation webinars to help campus coordinators get ready for the start of the competition. While they’re at it, coordinators can also add their school to list of schools signed-up for 2017. Local government and organizations are encouraged to pass the word onto local colleges that aren’t yet on the participation list.  

Thank You to Our Sustainable Oregon 2024 Sponsors

Title Sponsor

Waste Connections

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