AOR Blog


From NPR. Link to Audio at End of Article.

Thousands of thicker, heavier beer bottles are popping up on store shelves across Oregon as part of the first statewide refillable bottle system in the country, and supporters are hoping it might catch on in other states, too.

At Double Mountain Brewery in Hood River,...


Proposal deadline is Friday, October 12, 2018 

The Washington State Recycling Association (WSRA), a nonprofit trade association representing the state’s diverse recycling industry, is now seeking session proposals for their 39th Annual Conference & Trade Show taking place at the Doubletree City Center in Spokane, WA...


The Pacific Coast Collaborative (PCC) expanded West Coast commitments to climate leadership Wednesday, including a goal to halve food waste by 2030, partnering with retailers and manufacturers. It also released a vision and roadmap for low-carbon transportation [PDF]. The alliance includes California, Oregon, Washington and...

  In response to changes in Oregon’s recycling laws, the opportunity to recycle is being extended to all residents and businesses that share garbage collection service provided by a middle party, such as a multi-tenant property owner or property manager, regardless of the number of tenants sharing service. The change will require...

By Geoffrey A. Fowler, Washington Post's technology columnist based in San Francisco

The problem with recycling our old tech gadgets: They explode.

Around the world, garbage trucks and recycling centers are going up in flames. The root of the problem: volatile lithium-ion batteries sealed inside our favorite...
