Welcome New AOR Member, John Deuel!
What is your name? John Deuel
Where do you work and what do you do? I am a former recycling manager that now supports sustainable materials management as an independent volunteer.
AOR Receives a Metro Investment and Innovation Grant to Transcreate our Recycling 101 online course.
Webinar: Making the Case for Reuse & Waste Prevention
How does one sell a group on the idea of reuse and waste prevention practices? With the general public being conditioned to a care-free consumption system, how do we move past this train of thought? Featuring panelists from three different NGO’s, this webinar looks to educate on how to advance reuse and waste prevention in one’s local community.
Why do we still use the word ‘minority’?
Although this article from ASCB (an international forum for cell biology) focuses on the use of the word "minorities" in the biomedical fields, the message applies across all industries. Why do we still use the word "minority" when according to the Pew Research Center, by 2055, the United States “will have no racial or ethnic majority group” ?
Driving Diversity Graduation Ceremony held July 21 for first Washington County cohort
The Driving Diversity training program is an innovative initiative designed to increase the diversity among the ranks of Washington County garbage and recycling drivers, and to open the door for participants to step into living-wage careers.
Environmental Quality Commission adopts rules to implement Mattress Stewardship Act
Environmental Quality Commission adopts rules to implement Mattress Stewardship Act
webinar: Research Findings: Foodservice Packaging Recovery
The Foodservice Packaging Institute (FPI) is hosting a free webinar Research Findings: Foodservice Packaging Recovery on Thursday, July 27th at 3 p.m. ET. This webinar will feature research findings from several FPI-supported studies including recovery of PET thermoforms, PP cups, paper cups, as well as the impact of food residue on take-out packaging recycling.