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DEQ Rulemaking — Waste Tire 2022 — DEQ is asking for Public Comment on the Proposed Rules


DEQ proposes the Environmental Quality Commission approve rule amendments to OAR 340 Divisions 64, 93, 96 and 97 of its administrative rules. 

Waste tire rules are currently in Oregon Administrative Rules Chapter 340, Division 64. Division 64 was established by the Environmental Quality Commission in 1988 to support waste tire management. The rules have only been modified once since they were first adopted, in 1992, to incorporate a slight modification to the waste tire carrier rules.

WEBINAR: Properly Managing E-Cigarettes & Vaping Waste Streams

This joint NEWMOA and NERC webinar will focus on proper management of waste from e-cigarettes and vaping, including any opportunities for recycling the materials. The presenters will provide an overview of these devices and their associated waste streams, whether any of the materials meet the definition of hazardous waste, what the commercial and institutional facilities that have these wastes are required to do, and what challenges are posed by these waste streams. One of the presenters will share the results of environmental inspections of vape shops and their waste streams.

WEBINAR: Measuring Economic Impacts of Reuse (Material Reuse Forum 3)

Please join the Northeast Recycling Council (NERC) for the third Forum in the Materials Reuse quarterly series, sponsored by the the Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection. Forum 3 highlights the completed reuse economic studies for Fingerlakes ReUse—a reuse center in New York, the state of Minnesota, and the state of Washington. Join us in learning about the study results, data collection methods, funding sources, use of study results, and more.


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