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WEBINAR: Targeting Hard to Recover Waste in Health Care

While many large institutions are making real progress toward zero waste goals, hospitals and other medical facilities have struggled to keep pace. Healthcare generates an enormous amount of waste, much of it long considered unavoidable and unrecoverable. That’s starting to change as more sustainability initiatives are finding viable options to capture blue wrap and other plastic packaging from OR’s, clinics, and labs.

SESSION SUMMARY: Hot Topics in EPR: It's More Than Just Recycling

This is a summary of "Hot Topics in EPR: It's More Than Just Recycling," one of Sustainable Oregon 2021's virtual conference sessions. Scholarship recipients are asked to write a blog post about one of the sessions they attend. Thank you to our Scholarship Sponsor Metro for funding scholarships for this year's conference.

WEBINAR: Fate of Non-Organic Packaging Materials from De-Packaging Operations

The Northeast Waste Management Officials’ Association (NEWMOA) and the Northeast Recycling Council (NERC) are co-sponsoring a webinar on de-packaging operations for processing food waste. De-packaging is growing as a way of making the significant amount of waste from unused packaged food available for anaerobic digestion and composting. During the webinar, attendees will hear from operators of de-packaging facilities.

The webinar will cover:

Two AOR Members Receive EPA Grants for Healthy, Resilient, and Sustainable Communities Projects

well doneThe U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Region 10 office in Seattle announced the first round of its Healthy, Resilient, and Sustainable Communities grant projects. The $335,000 grant program will support seven local pollution prevention and sustainability projects aimed at making communities safer, healthier, and more resilient.  

WEBINAR: Recycling Beyond the Plastic Bag

Join Stephanie Hicks, Materials Sourcing Manager at the Trex Company in Winchester, Virginia, to learn about recycling beyond the plastic bag at home. She has represented Trex Company’s recycling education and outreach for the last 10 years with a goal of educating the public on correct plastic bag and film recycling efforts. Trex collects recycled materials from all over the country in places like Kroger, Tom Thumb, Winco, and Albertsons grocery stores and Kohls.  

SESSION SUMMARY: Materials, Climate, and Justice at the Intersection of Food and the Built Environment

This is a summary of "Materials, Climate, and Justice at the Intersection of Food and the Built Environment," one of Sustainable Oregon 2021's virtual conference sessions. Scholarship recipients are asked to write a blog post about one of the sessions they attend. Thank you to our Scholarship Sponsor Metro for funding scholarships for this year's conference.

SESSION SUMMARY: Never Stop Learning: Where You Are, In Your Language

This is a summary of "Never Stop Learning: Where You Are, In Your Language," one of Sustainable Oregon 2021's virtual conference sessions. Scholarship recipients are asked to write a blog post about one of the sessions they attend. Thank you to our Scholarship Sponsor Metro for funding scholarships for this year's conference. This session was sponsored by the City of Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability.

SESSION SUMMARY: Plastics Recycling From A to Z

This is a summary of "Plastics Recycling From A to Z," one of Sustainable Oregon 2021's virtual conference sessions. Scholarship recipients are asked to write a blog post about one of the sessions they attend. Thank you to our Scholarship Sponsor Metro for funding scholarships for this year's conference. This session was sponsored by the Association of Plastic Recyclers.

Thank You to Our Sustainable Oregon 2024 Sponsors

Title Sponsor

Waste Connections

Scholarship Sponsor