NERC DE&I Training 4 - Engaging With Diverse Communities
The March 21 Training is about Engaging with Diverse Communities. Through storytelling, sharing of case studies, and small group discussions, the Training focuses on lessons learned to effectively conduct outreach and build lasting connections in underrepresented communities. Some of the concepts to be covered include understanding the cultures, trust levels and values of the communities in which you work; building equitable sustainability programs; and empowering community members to become part of the programs offered.
WEBINAR: The State of Paper Cup Recycling
The Foodservice Packaging Institute (FPI) will host an hour-long webinar on March 3, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. ET. The webinar will focus on the increasing acceptance of paper cups as seen from the perspectives of industry representatives along the value chain.
Minimum Post-Consumer Recycled Content Model Legislation for Plastics - Call for Comments
NEWMOA in conjunction with NERC are seeking feedback and comments on the Minimum Post-consumer Recycled Plastic Content Draft Model Requirements for the Sale of Trash and Carry-out Bags and Food, Beverage, and Household Product Containers. The public comment period for the Draft Model Legislation is open until February 11, 2022, midnight Eastern.
Truth in Labeling Task Force
The first meeting of Oregon’s Truth In Labeling Task Force, part of the Recycling Modernization Act, will take place on Monday, Jan. 31 from 8:00-11:00 a.m. Pacific Time via Zoom.
ClearStream would like to help re-boot Recycling in 2022. Many of our members have enjoyed successful recycling with ClearStream products at their public space events (some for two decades). Recycling is here to stay and people are eager to come back to events!
Now is the time to take advantage of your Purchasing Power before 2022 Product Price Increases! The driving forces behind the increases is our cost for raw materials, manufacturing and shipping. Now is the time to take advantage of your purchasing power!
AOR Membership Approves Bylaw Revisions
On December 14th, the AOR Membership voted to approve proposed revisions to our bylaws. The bylaws were previously amended in 2017.
The purpose for these changes has been our desire to bring Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) to the forefront of our organization, increase the board’s flexibility to adapt in rapidly changing times, create more opportunities for crossing training and collaboration, and to clarify board procedures such as decision-making.
Another Pandemic Problem: Overconsumption
The COVID-19 pandemic changed everything, including Americans’ waste disposal habits.
That was one of the big takeaways from two new Pacific Northwest garbage and recycling studies that were released recently. Both showed a serious uptick in the amount of trash people are generating and, in some cases, disposing of improperly.
Continue Reading on AOR Member BRING's Website
The DE&I Training 3: Creating a DE&I Path for Government Employees
Northeast Recycling Council Webinar: The DE&I Training 3: Creating a DE&I Path for Government Employees February 28, 1:30 - 3:00 EST
The training will include some creative exercises for helping government employees with developing a deeper understanding and awareness of diversity, equity, and inclusion. The Training will focus on the importance of the path each of us takes in this process, how it empowers us to advance our thinking about DE&I, and that job titles and work priorities don't have to be limiting factors.
Recycling Modernization Act: New FAQs and more available on DEQ's website
DEQ developed in-depth explanatory materials to help people understand the Recycling Modernization Act and how different businesses, organizations and communities may be affected when the law is implemented. The law becomes effective January 1, 2022 and program changes begin July 2025.