Hold The Plastics: A Webinar for Community Activists Who Want to Help Restaurants Ditch Plastic
Calling all community advocates! Join Beyond Plastics for a free webinar to help learn how you can help restaurants in your area ditch single-use plastic.
Webinar: How Environmental Toxicity, Inequity and Capitalism Affect Reproductive Health
The Center for Biological Diversity is partnering with Nurses for Sexual and Reproductive Health on a webinar about how toxic chemicals and climate change impede reproductive justice and solutions to advance reproductive and environmental health.
WEBINAR: Solar Panel Recycling & EPR
Hear from the leading experts about the Washington State solar panel EPR law, how the panels are recycled, and recycler certification. Presenters will be:
Welcome New AOR Student Member: Brian Boshes
Name: Brian Boshes
In what University/College are you currently enrolled, or if an Americorps Volunteer, where are you working/volunteering?: Portland State University
Welcome New AOR Student Member: Sophia Davis
Name: Sophia Davis
In what University/College are you currently enrolled, or if an Americorps Volunteer, where are you working/volunteering?: Portland State University. I also work for the PSU waste management program called Community Environmental Services (CES).
Oregon Recycling System Advisory Council Meeting
Oregon Recycling System Advisory Council Meeting // Reunión Consejo Asesor del Sistema de Reciclaje de Oregon
Welcome New AOR Member: Jeff Merwin
What is your name? Jeff Merwin
Where do you work and what do you do? Landfill Manager for Crook County in Prineville Oregon
Tell us how you embrace recycling/sustainability into your home or workplace? At the landfill we offer a wide variety of no cost to public recycling options that are convenient and user friendly.
Single-use and rechargeable batteries power many products in our lives, including phones, toys, and tools. Global efforts to stabilize our climate have resulted in an increase in the use of electric bikes, scooters, and vehicles — and the batteries that power them. Because of their ability to run longer between charges, relative light weight, and adaptability, lithium-ion batteries, in particular, are proliferating.