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Welcome New AOR Member: Kimberly Goslin

What is your name? Kimberly Goslin

Where do you work and what do you do? Retired neurologist

Tell us how you embrace recycling/sustainability into your home or workplace? I have always been an avid recycler, but recently I read "Zero Waste Lifestyle" by Amy Korst and felt inspired to get more educated and involved in recycling.

What motivates you to recycle and live sustainably? A deep concern about the future of our environment particularly the oceans.

Workshop: A New Era for Biogas & RNG in Washington and Oregon

Much has changed in policy, markets, and finance to make biogas and renewable natural gas (RNG) projects attractive to developers and investors throughout the Northwest. With Washington joining Oregon to establish a Clean Fuel Standard Program, the opportunity to use biogas and RNG to fuel vehicles makes the opportunity beneficial to many more communities.

Spend the day with experts from WSU, industry, and the public sector to discover where to find opportunities and how to take advantage of new funding.

Workshop: A New Era for Biogas & RNG in Washington and Oregon

Much has changed in policy, markets, and finance to make biogas and renewable natural gas (RNG) projects attractive to developers and investors throughout the Northwest. With Washington joining Oregon to establish a Clean Fuel Standard Program, the opportunity to use biogas and RNG to fuel vehicles makes the opportunity beneficial to many more communities.

Spend the day with experts from WSU, industry, and the public sector to discover where to find opportunities and how to take advantage of new funding.

WEBINAR: EPR Masterclass: Chemical Recycling

The term “chemical recycling” refers to a wide range of technologies that process recovered plastic products (including packaging) into new plastic, as well as energy and/or fuel. These technologies have become a lightning rod: Producers claim they leapfrog mechanical recycling by enabling infinite processing, while environmental groups allege that they undermine efforts to reduce plastic through upstream redesign and are simply another form of greenwashing.

WEBINAR: EPR Masterclass: Compostable Products

The Product Stewardship Institute (PSI) will gather a group of experts to discuss the opportunities and challenges of compostable plastics, including achieving clarity on definitions and labeling, addressing materials in packaging EPR laws, how EPR funding can be used to create new infrastructure for compostable plastics, and strategies for best managing these materials in a rapidly evolving industry.

Thank You to Our Sustainable Oregon 2024 Sponsors

Title Sponsor

Waste Connections

Scholarship Sponsor