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Welcome New AOR Student Member: Sophia Davis

Name: Sophia Davis

In what University/College are you currently enrolled, or if an Americorps Volunteer, where are you working/volunteering?: Portland State University. I also work for the PSU waste management program called Community Environmental Services (CES).

Tell us about your major or current career path: I am currently a student at Portland State University majoring in Business Administration, minoring in Environmental Sustainability and Spanish. I aspire to utilize business to work in the field of material recovery. By this, I mean I want to work to reform the current business models our society utilizes and transform them to emphasize sustainability and environmental well-being. In order to successfully pursue this dream, I want to learn everything I can about the effect materials have on the planet, and their opportunity for recovery.

Are there any particular segments of the recycling/materials management industry that you would like to work in? I am open to working in many segments of the recycling & materials management industry, but I am particularly interested in business sustainability. I would like to work towards a future that uses little-to-no single use items.

What motivates you to recycle and live sustainably? I have a future vision of Earth being our home planet base for space travel, and in order to do this, we must figure out how to live here sustainably.

If you were an animal, which one would you be and why? I would love to be a deep sea creature so I could experience the parts of the ocean that we have never seen.

Thank You to Our Sustainable Oregon 2024 Sponsors

Title Sponsor

Waste Connections

Scholarship Sponsor