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Meet the Candidates for the AOR Board

Eight AOR members have stepped forward to make a run for the five open positions on the AOR board. Candidates will have an opportunity to address the membership during the annual meeting at the upcoming Sustainable Oregon Conference in Bend, 10/26 - 10/28.

Nominations will also be taken from the floor. All members with voting priveleges will have the opportunity to vote as we will be using electronic balloting.

DEQ Webinar Series: Sustainable Buildings for All Part 4

Sustainable Buildings for All Webinar Series

Oregon DEQ invites you to join our upcoming webinar series on the Sustainable Buildings for All (SB4A) Incentive Framework. The SB4A framework was developed by a coalition of sustainability and equity experts and advocates. SB4A provides a template for local governments to incentivize, and therefore accelerate, the development of building projects in their communities that achieve high levels of environmental performance, social equity, and human and environmental health.

DEQ Webinar Series: Sustainable Buildings for All Part 3

Sustainable Buildings for All Webinar Series

Oregon DEQ invites you to join our upcoming webinar series on the Sustainable Buildings for All (SB4A) Incentive Framework. The SB4A framework was developed by a coalition of sustainability and equity experts and advocates. SB4A provides a template for local governments to incentivize, and therefore accelerate, the development of building projects in their communities that achieve high levels of environmental performance, social equity, and human and environmental health.

DEQ Webinar Series: Sustainable Buildings for All Part 2

Sustainable Buildings for All Webinar Series

Oregon DEQ invites you to join our upcoming webinar series on the Sustainable Buildings for All (SB4A) Incentive Framework. The SB4A framework was developed by a coalition of sustainability and equity experts and advocates. SB4A provides a template for local governments to incentivize, and therefore accelerate, the development of building projects in their communities that achieve high levels of environmental performance, social equity, and human and environmental health.

DEQ Webinar Series: Sustainable Buildings for All Part 1

Sustainable Buildings for All Webinar Series

Oregon DEQ invites you to join our upcoming webinar series on the Sustainable Buildings for All (SB4A) Incentive Framework. The SB4A framework was developed by a coalition of sustainability and equity experts and advocates. SB4A provides a template for local governments to incentivize, and therefore accelerate, the development of building projects in their communities that achieve high levels of environmental performance, social equity, and human and environmental health.

Thank You to Our Sustainable Oregon 2024 Sponsors

Title Sponsor

Waste Connections

Scholarship Sponsor