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SB 54 Webinar: The Path to Passage ♻


NSAC is hosting a FREE, two-hour webinar on SB 54 (Allen)California’s Plastic Pollution Prevention and Packaging Producer Responsibility Act signed into law on June 30, 2022. SB 54 lead author Senator Ben Allen and Senior Policy Advisor, Tina Andolina will present along with key negotiation stakeholders to share the details regarding the process, how an agreement was reached, the timelines for implementation, and more. There will be presentations from four key stakeholder groups being environmental NGOs, waste haulers, producers/corporations, and local governments, followed by Q + A.

Those who will benefit from attending include: local governments, packaging stakeholders, waste haulers, environmental advocates, environmental justice advocates, and policymakers.

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Thank You to Our Sustainable Oregon 2024 Sponsors

Title Sponsor

Waste Connections

Scholarship Sponsor