Recycling Modernization Act Rulemaking Advisory Committee Meeting #3

DEQ Rulemaking – Recycling Updates 2023 – Zoom Link Posted for Nov. 9, 2022 Advisory Committee Meeting


DEQ will be holding the third Recycling Modernization Act Rulemaking Advisory Committee meeting from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Nov. 9, 2022.

DEQ will be presenting rule concepts related to Transportation Costs Reimbursement, and the Materials Acceptance Lists.

To attend the meeting please register through this link:

Additional Information

To learn more about this rulemaking and the advisory committee, view the rulemaking web page at: Recycling Updates 2023.

If you want to receive future email notices about this rulemaking, you must sign up at: GovDelivery.

You can also obtain more information about this rulemaking by contacting:

Roxann Nayar       

11/09/2022 - 9:00am to 2:30pm
Event Type: