AOR Blog


Information Sessions: 

Information sessions will begin with a brief presentation where we will share program updates. Advance registration is required. There will be time for questions after the presentation. All sessions will take place over Zoom and will be recorded. The recordings will be posted to the DEQ...


What is your name? Stephanie Kraus 

Where do you work and what do you do? I work for Sustainable Generation, a compost technology company focused on helping composters improve their processes.

Tell us how you embrace recycling/sustainability into your home or workplace? In both my home and workplace, I've made...



What is the name of your business or organization? 
Ground Score Association

What does your business/organization do? 
Ground Score Association is an association of informal recyclers, waste pickers, canners, dumpster divers, and other environmental workers who create and fill low-barrier...


Please welcome AOR's newest small business member, HanerTech Electronics Recycling!


What is the name of your business or organization? HanerTech Electronics Recycling

What does your business/organization do? We recycle electronics on the coast. We also provide Secure data destruction services, Hard Drive...


As sustainable materials management professionals, we understand the import role consumption plays in reducing impacts on our climate. 
If you've been to an in-person AOR event, you know that we prioritize low-carbon food by offering meals that are vegetarian and vegan forward. Why? Because what we put on our plates is...
