AOR Blog


Recycling Advocates and AOR were awarded a grant from the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to assist in updating the Recycling 101 online course.

AOR is proud to be partnering with Recycling Advocates and DEQ to strengthen and expand the Recycling 101 class for all Oregonians.

We thank DEQ for the...


The 2017 Winter Forum will be held on Thursday, February 9 at the Chemeketa Center for Business and Industry in Salem. The Oregon SWANA Board invites all members to attend this fantastic event which will include a board meeting, annual membership meeting, presentations. and round table discussions. We’ll be having two one hour...


Dear AOR members,

Welcome to the new year! January has been anything but boring, as we’ve been slipping and sliding our way into 2017. As we brush off 2016 and focus toward the future, we reflect on a tough year for some. 2016 was a year that pulled at many of our hearts and minds as we grappled with some tough issues:...


The 2017 RecycleMania Tournament is right around the corner, and AOR encourages all colleges and universities in Oregon to get involved!

Throughout February and March of 2017, campuses across the country will be rallying students and staff to step up their recycling game and reduce waste as part of this friendly...


The AOR 2017 dues renewal period closed in December, and we are very happy to see our membership continue to grow.

You can see a list of all AORs members here.

Don’t see your name? Miss the renewal period? No worries! You can still be part of AOR.

Contact Amy Roth, AOR's Resource Director, to reinstate your...
