Member News
Agilyx expands processing capabilities to include feedstock for ethylene processing facilities
Re-TRAC Connect and The Recycling Partnership launch Municipal Measurement Program
Portland to welcome its first Zero Waste Conference
From Press Released by Recycling Advocates and Zero Waste PDX
Recycling Advocates is partnering with Zero Waste PDX, a local sustainability consulting company, to organize Portland’s first Zero Waste Conference, which will take place on Sunday 14th October at Taborspace, in Southeast Portland.
Chinese restrictions a ‘huge deal’ for Waste Connections
Piling up: Drowning in a sea of plastic
CBS News Sunday presents a special report on the impact of plastic piling up in our environment and the effects on recycling from China's National Sword.
Author David Pogue poses, "So, what happens now to the plastic we used to ship to China? Nothing. It's just piling up."
Welcome New Member - Oregon Mermaids

Oregon Mermaids LLC
Educate children and adults on conservation and recycling.
2018 Recycler of the Year - Alice Soderwall Reuse and Waste Prevention Award: Free Geek
Free Geek stands out in the recycling ecosystem because of its unique circular model. By taking two massive societal problems—e-waste and the digital divide— and pointing them at each other, Free Geek uses one problem to solve the other.
DEQ Materials Management and Metro's Investment and Innovation Grant Applications Open Soon!
2018 Recycler of the Year – Innovation Award: St. Vincent de Paul Society of Lane County
Terry McDonald spins garbage into housing, jobs, new products.