Waste Expo 2018
Celebrating 50 years of delivering innovation, education, and good vibes.
The sixties. A decade of innovation, social change and acknowledging Mother Earth. WasteExpo—the baby boomer success story of the solid waste industry—invites you to celebrate with us as we turn 50. Five decades of collaborating with you and your colleagues to deliver game changing opportunities.
ISRI Convention and Expo
The ISRI Convention and Expo is the largest event in the recycling industry year after year. Nowhere else in the world can you access this many recycling professionals, state-of-the-art equipment and technology, and industry information - all in one place; all for the taking.
US EPA SMM Web Academy Webinar: Deconstruction and Building Materials Reuse - Innovations and Opportunities
Deconstruction of structures in the built environment is a systematic disassembly process that facilitates material separation and maximizes the market value of recovered materials. This disassembly process minimizes damage to the generated materials and increases their potential for salvage and reuse. Deconstruction can be conducted on whole buildings instead of demolition or during renovations.
New Member Spotlight - James' Neighborhood Recycling Service
Please Welcome James' Neighborhood Recycling Service to the AOR Membership!
What is the name of your business or organization?
James' Neighborhood Recycling Service
No Longer Recyclable in Lane County
Communities across Oregon - and around the country - are struggling with contaminated recyclables, which has contributed to a sharp drop in interest in U.S. recycled materials from China, the major market for them.
Contamination happens when we put things into recycling bins that can't be recycled and/or are dirty (i.e., trash, items with food residue).
Resource Recycling Provides Key Insights on NRC/AOR Workshop
Resource Recycling compiled a great summary of “Recycling Markets Development in the 21st Century,” a workshop co-hosted by the National Recycling Coalition (NRC) and the Association of Oregon Recyclers (AOR) on April 4, 2018.
Reuse Rockstars Unite at AOR's Spring Forum
The ReBuilding Center posted a great summary of AOR's Spring Forum. Here's an excerpt:
We're Recycling Wrong
China, which had been receiving more than half of the world's recycling, is no longer accepting most plastics and recycled paper with a contamination level above 0.5 percent as part of its "National Sword" policy.
Meeting this new quality specification has been almost impossible for U.S. processors. Oregon processors have been looking elsewhere, and it's costing more money.
Paul Hawken to Present Keynote Address
As if you needed another reason to head down to Eugene on June 13th for AOR's 40th Annual Conference, this might be one of the best.
Paul Hawken, environmentalist, entrepreneur, journalist, and author of Drawdown - The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming, will be presenting our keynote address.