Welcome New AOR Student Member Keyonda Smith
Name: Keyonda Smith PhD
In what University/College are you currently enrolled, or if an Americorps Volunteer, where are you working/volunteering?: Trident University
Tell us about your major or current career path: Post Doctoral Researcher
Are there any particular segments of the recycling/materials management industry that you would like to work in?: Reusables
Talking Trash with Peggy LaPoint hosts AOR!
Kristin Leichner, AOR's Conference Chair, and Gregg Hayward, AOR's Education Chair, sat down with Peggy LaPoint for a segment of her Talking Trash podcast.
Have a listen here!
U.S. EPA Webinar: From Pen & Paper to Artificial Technology -- 21st Century Methods for Measuring Excess Food
Got leftovers? In food loss prevention and recovery, the first ingredient is to measure our excess food, whether in a restaurant kitchen, cafeteria or at home. During this webinar, participants will discover the value and benefits of calculating your organization's excess, surplus and leftover food and beverage.
WEBINAR: Evolution of a Wastewater Treatment Plant to a Food Waste to Energy Facility for the Cogeneration of Heat and Energy
Sustainable Materials Management Webinar Series
A Partnership of the National Recycling Coalition & Pennsylvania Recycling Markets Center
When: Tuesday, December 17, 2019 1:30 pm - 2:45 pm EST
Where: On your computer, in the comfort of your office.
Welcome New Member Michael Strauhal
What is your name?: Mikey Strauhal
Where do you work and what do you do?: I work globally; currently the Americas and I design waste management systems for companies. I specialize with events with a focus on music and art festivals.
Welcome AOR's New Fundraising Chair, Lexi French
After serving 3 years as AOR's Fundraising Chair, Alex Bertolucci accepted a new job outside our industry and vacated his seat in October. Alex did a tremendous job and made selling raffle tickets look like a piece of cake. AOR posted its search for a new fundraising chair in early November, and received several applications to fill the position. It was a tough choice, but the Board appointed Lexi French to serve as our new Fundraising Chair. Please welcome Lexi to the board!
Recycled content in drainage pipes - What You Need to Know about the New AASHTO Specification 294R
Using plastic drainage pipes in road and infrastructure projects is a common practice, but until now they haven’t contained recycled content. And, now they can! Recently AASHTO adopted a new specification – 294R – that allows for plastic pipe products to be certified as containing post-consumer recycled content and meet the rigorous 100 year life span requirements.
Welcome New AOR Member Sandra Hungate
What is your name? Sandra Hungate
Where do you work and what do you do? I'm the Vice President of VERDE and Recycling Perks. VERDE is our environmental marketing/outreach agency, and Recycling Perks is our residential outreach platform. I oversee the team and all operations.