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WEBINAR: Evolution of a Wastewater Treatment Plant to a Food Waste to Energy Facility for the Cogeneration of Heat and Energy

Sustainable Materials Management Webinar Series 

A Partnership of the National Recycling Coalition & Pennsylvania Recycling Markets Center 

When: Tuesday, December 17, 2019 1:30 pm - 2:45 pm EST

Where: On your computer, in the comfort of your office.


This webinar will focus on a case study of the evolution of a wastewater treatment plant to a food waste to energy facility for the cogeneration of heat and energy.  Introduction of food waste into the wastewater treatment process has resulted in a higher capture rate of energy value while decreasing landfilling for food waste generators. All this is being done while still functioning as a typical wastewater treatment plant and meeting all permit effluent limits.


Thomas W. Darby - Manager, Hermitage Municipal Authority; Superintendent, WPC Dept. City of Hermitage, PA

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Event Type

Thank You to Our Sustainable Oregon 2025 Sponsors

Title Sponsor

Waste Connections