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Welcome AOR's New Fundraising Chair, Lexi French

After serving 3 years as AOR's Fundraising Chair, Alex Bertolucci accepted a new job outside our industry and vacated his seat in October. Alex did a tremendous job and made selling raffle tickets look like a piece of cake. AOR posted its search for a new fundraising chair in early November, and received several applications to fill the position. It was a tough choice, but the Board appointed Lexi French to serve as our new Fundraising Chair. Please welcome Lexi to the board!

What is your name?: Lexi French

Where do you work and what do you do?: Arrow Sanitary as the Inside Sales Representative

Tell us how you enbrace recycling/sustainability into your home or workplace?: Growing up I was taught to follow the reduce, reuse, recycle motto at a very young age. I have carried this on into my everyday and professional life.

What motivates you to recycle and live sustainably?: I appreciate God's creation and I believe that I have a responsibility to care for it.

If you were an animal, which one would you be and why? Hummingbird - they never stop moving!

How did you learn about AOR?: My mom, Tina French, served on the AOR board and I attended meetings with Kristin Leichner during my summer internship at Pride Disposal.


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