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ResourceFULL USE Final Breakfast

Reduce waste and save money--that's  what our ResourceFULL Use program is about. It's not as easy as it may sound but the rewards are even greater than you thought. There's money in garbage! We'll give you tips on productive waste management, plus a look at 15 years of ResourceFULL Use.

And then you get a first peak at a new east Portland industrial eco-district concept. The Center for Sustainable Infrastructure will join us to talk about this exciting new project. 

Smart Bin Designed by all Girl First Lego League Team

As the Sustainability Coordinator at Portland Community College’s Rock Creek Campus over the last seven years I have had numerous neighborhood First Lego League teams come to campus to tour our sustainability practices for ideas.  First Lego League is a global robotics competition that teaches young children Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math (STEM) concepts through hands-on experiences and learning.

Thank You to Our Sustainable Oregon 2025 Sponsors

Title Sponsor

Waste Connections