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AOR Sustainable Oregon 2016 Call for Presentations

Sustainable Oregon 2016, AOR’s 38th annual conference, will be held at the Double Tree Hotel at the Lloyd Center in Portland, Oregon on June 8-10.

We are expecting approximately 300 people representing a diversity of the recycling industry in Oregon and the Northwest. AOR wants to get your input on relevant and exciting speakers and session topics, and is now collecting session proposals.

We welcome presentations covering all recycling disciplines but presentations covering the following topics are strongly encouraged:

1. Collection or Processing Technology Advancements
2. Emerging or Evolving Local Markets
3. Emerging Challenges or Difficult Commodities to Recycle
4. Food Waste, Organic Waste Recycling, and/or Compostable Packaging
5. Recycling Collection/Outreach, including Multi-Family or Commercial Recycling
6. Public Education & Outreach/Marketing
7. Recycling Partnerships
8. Waste Reduction, Waste Prevention, and/or Sustainable Consumption
9. Future of Recycling in Oregon State
10. Sustainability and Recycling
11. Economics of Recycling
12. Reuse
13. College or University Recycling

Deadline to submit is Friday, October 16th. Click here to submit your proposal. 

Thank You to Our Sustainable Oregon 2024 Sponsors

Title Sponsor

Waste Connections

Scholarship Sponsor