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Oregon Green Schools Summit

The Summit is an opportunity for students from across the state to convene for a day of celebration, learning and networking.

At the summit, we strive to celebrate the accomplishments of each school and to provide opportunities to strengthen programs. Students will attend educational sessions that represent each section of the Oregon Green Schools application: waste reduction and recycling, water conservation, and energy conservation.

Students will also attend a session where they can share the story of the green school program at their school and learn from other schools.

Schools with active Oregon Green Schools certification are invited to bring 4 students and 1 chaperone. Costs for a classroom substitute teacher and travel expenses will be generously covered by each school’s garbage/recycling hauler.

Western Mennonite School 9045 Wallace Road Northwest, Salem, OR 97304.

Event Type

Thank You to Our Sustainable Oregon 2024 Sponsors

Title Sponsor

Waste Connections

Scholarship Sponsor