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Alice Soderwall Reuse and Waste Prevention Award: ReClaim It!

ReClaim It!​ReClaim It! was started by Crackedpots. They recognized the need for a place where materials could be rescued from disposal. They created a place where the creative citizens of Portland can find unique materials. ReClaim It! is a nonprofit art and reuse retail store that salvages material from the Metro transfer station (operated by Recology) for artists, homeowners, and DIYers to Reuse, Repair, and Reimagine.

GLEAN Exhibit

GLEAN exhibit challenges ideas about waste; showcases artists at Bison Building, Aug. 11 - 27

Inspiration often arrives in unexpected packages. See how five local artists - Erinn Kathryn, Hilary Pfeiffer, Dan Pillers, Amanda Triplett, and Austin Turley - transformed an unpredictable stream of trash from the Metro Central transfer station into art.

Their works will be on display and sale at the Bison Building, 421 NE Tenth Ave., Portland. Opening reception from 6 p.m. to 9 Thursday, Aug. 11. ends Aug. 27.

AOR Learns to Love Ugly Food

Spending my days amidst can and bottle recyclers, I don’t tend to give as much thought to food. Sure, I try to buy organic. I use my compost bin. I even give leftover scraps to my three backyard chickens. But what about the food that doesn’t even make it our plates? The wasted fruit and veggies that didn’t even have a chance? What about the ugly food?

At the Sustainable Oregon Conference 2016, keynote speaker Jordan Figueiredo stole our hearts by laying out the virtues of Loving Ugly Food. What is ugly food? I’ll let these photos speak for themselves. 

Portland City Council adopts new deconstruction ordinance to save quality, historic materials

Portland, ORE – Today, Portland City Council adopted an ordinance, including code language, which requires projects seeking a demolition permit of a house or duplex to fully deconstruct that structure if it was built in 1916 or earlier or is a designated historic resource. With Council’s unanimous approval of that ordinance, Portland became the first city in the country to ensure that valuable materials from our demolished hous

Thank You to Our Sustainable Oregon 2024 Sponsors

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Waste Connections

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