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AOR Seeks Committee Members

Looking for a way to get more involved with AOR? Volunteering for one of our committees is a great way to network and get plugged into latest industry issues!

The following committees are seeking volunteers:

Conference Committee

The Conference Committee develops a variety of aspects of the annual conference including sessions, tours and activities, and the silent auction. The group starts meeting in the fall and continues meeting until spring, and committee members spend a few hours in between each meeting working on their tasks.

Meetings currently in progress for planning the 2017 conference in Gleneden Beach, OR. Contact Liz Start  AOR Conference Chair if you are interested in participating on this committee.

Events Committee

Formerly the Education Committee, the events committee helps us to grow our recycling education programs throughout the state by sharing resources, compiling information, and promoting recycling through events around the state. The group meets quarterly, with the expectation that committee members will do 5-10 hours of work between meetings to support projects.

Contact Pam Peck, AOR Education Chair if you are interested in participating in this committee.

Fundraising Committee

The Fundraising Committee is one of AOR's newest committees, focused on activities to help raise revenue to support AOR programs and scholarships to AOR events.

Contact Nick Isbister, AOR Fundraising Chair if you are interested in participating in this committee.

Marketing Committee

Another of AOR's newest committees, the Marketing Committee is seeking volunteers to help develop marketing materials and copy to promote AOR and its events. The committee is currently focusing on developing materials to support the 2017 Conference. Contact Cherilyn Bertges, AOR Marketing Chair, if you are interested in volunteering for this committee.

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee helps develop and implement AOR’s member recruitment and retention strategy. The group meets prior to AOR events to identify organizations and individuals that would benefit from attending the event. Our two tasks are to: A) recruit potential members to attend AOR events and B) remind former members that their membership has expired. Contact  Holly Stirnkorb, AOR Membership Chair, if you are interested in volunteering on this committee.



Thank You to Our Sustainable Oregon 2024 Sponsors

Title Sponsor

Waste Connections

Scholarship Sponsor