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WEBINAR: Measuring Economic Impacts of Reuse (Material Reuse Forum 3)

Please join the Northeast Recycling Council (NERC) for the third Forum in the Materials Reuse quarterly series, sponsored by the the Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection. Forum 3 highlights the completed reuse economic studies for Fingerlakes ReUse—a reuse center in New York, the state of Minnesota, and the state of Washington. Join us in learning about the study results, data collection methods, funding sources, use of study results, and more.


  • Wyeth Augustine-Marceil & Nika Mikec, Cornell University Students
  • Heather Trim, Executive Director, Zero Waste Washington
  • Emily Barker, Executive Director, Reuse Minnesota

Event Type

Thank You to Our Sustainable Oregon 2024 Sponsors

Title Sponsor

Waste Connections

Scholarship Sponsor