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DEQ Rulemaking — Waste Tire 2022 — DEQ is asking for Public Comment on the Proposed Rules


DEQ proposes the Environmental Quality Commission approve rule amendments to OAR 340 Divisions 64, 93, 96 and 97 of its administrative rules. 

Waste tire rules are currently in Oregon Administrative Rules Chapter 340, Division 64. Division 64 was established by the Environmental Quality Commission in 1988 to support waste tire management. The rules have only been modified once since they were first adopted, in 1992, to incorporate a slight modification to the waste tire carrier rules.

Statutory changes made in the early 1990s and from legislation in 2019 have made many of the waste tire rules in Division 64 obsolete and DEQ is proposing to repeal them.

DEQ also wants to ensure permitting and enforcement standards are consistent with current Oregon fire code. Therefore, DEQ is proposing updating related standards about fire code to ensure they are current.

Finally, this effort will align and consolidate the permitting standards for waste tire storage sites and waste tire carriers with similar requirements in Divisions 93, 96 and 97. DEQ is proposing moving rules from Division 64 to Division 93, to use existing solid waste permitting criteria and procedures for waste tire rules. DEQ is also proposing moving rules for waste tire storage sites and waste tire carriers from Division 64 to Division 96, which describes solid waste permitting requirements. DEQ’s proposal also includes moving waste tire storage site and waste tire carrier permit and annual compliance fees from Division 64 to Division 97, Solid Waste: Permit Fees. The fees would include permit application and annual compliance fees for waste tire storage sites and waste tire carriers. DEQ is not proposing to increase the fees, but the agency is proposing to eliminate the waste tire carrier per vehicle fees.

Public comment

DEQ is asking for public comment on the proposed rules. Anyone can submit comments and questions about this rulemaking. DEQ will accept comments by email, regular mail or verbally at the public hearing.

Comment deadline

Comments on the proposed rules must be submitted by 4 p.m., on Wednesday, March 22, 2023.

Submit comment by email

Send comments by email to

Note for public university students:

ORS 192.345(29) allows Oregon public university and OHSU students to protect their university email addresses from disclosure under Oregon’s public records law. If you are an Oregon public university or OHSU student, notify DEQ that you wish to keep your email address confidential.

By mail

Send written comments to the below address.

Oregon DEQ
Attn: Stephanie Caldera/Materials Management
700 NE Multnomah St., Suite 600
Portland, OR 97232-4100

Public hearing

DEQ plans to hold a public hearing at 3:30 p.m. on Thursday,  March 16, 2023. Anyone can attend the hearing by teleconference.

Date: Thursday, March 16, 2023
Start time: 3:30 p.m.

Location: The meeting will be by Zoom, an online video conferencing platform, with toll-free telephone access for audio-only connections.

Zoom information: Please use this link to register in advance for the meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions on how to join the meeting.

Instructions for joining webinar or teleconference: Instructions

Additional Information

To view copies of the notice documents, learn more about this rulemaking, and how to submit comments, you can view the rulemaking web page at: Waste Tire 2022.

If you want to receive future email notices about this rulemaking, you must sign up at: GovDelivery.

You can also obtain more information about this rulemaking by contacting:

Stephanie Caldera

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