AOR Blog


The ReBuilding Center posted a great summary of AOR's Spring Forum. Here's an excerpt:

One thing that struck me about the Association of Oregon Recyclers' Spring Forum, entitled “Reuse Systems and Organizations in Action,” was how incredibly rich the reuse culture in Oregon is. I was impressed by organizations small and...


China, which had been receiving more than half of the world's recycling, is no longer accepting most plastics and recycled paper with a contamination level above 0.5 percent as part of its "National Sword" policy. ​

Meeting this new quality specification has been almost impossible for U.S. processors. Oregon processors...


As if you needed another reason to head down to Eugene on June 13th for AOR's 40th Annual Conference, this might be one of the best.

Paul Hawken, environmentalist, entrepreneur, journalist, and author of Drawdown - The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming, will be presenting our keynote address...


Simoan Waldron

In what University/College are you currently enrolled, or if an Americorps Volunteer, where are you working/volunteering?
University of Oregon

Tell us about your major or current career path:
Environmental Studies

Are there any particular segments of the recycling/...


Do you know where your dimes go when you don't redeem your beverage deposits? It goes to the Oregon Beverage Recycling Cooperative (OBRC), to fund bottle collection and BottleDrop Redemption Centers. OBRC, which is owned by Oregon beverage distributors and grocery retailers, was formed in 2009 and manages the deposit flow,...
