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Paul Hawken to Present Keynote Address

As if you needed another reason to head down to Eugene on June 13th for AOR's 40th Annual Conference, this might be one of the best.

Paul Hawken, environmentalist, entrepreneur, journalist, and author of Drawdown - The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming, will be presenting our keynote address.


This is so huge, we've rented out the historic McDonald Theater in downtown Eugene, a short walk from the Hilton Hotel. And just to shake things up even more, we're having the keynote the evening of Wednesday June 13th, complete with book signing.

Full conference registrations, and Wednesday-only registrations include tickets to see Paul, and additional seating will be available through the McDonald Theater (tickets go on sale May 1st). Books are available for purchase when registering, or you can bring your own copy for the signing. So what are you waiting for? REGISTER NOW! Or Click Here to Buy Tickets for Paul Hawken Presentation Only.

This amazing evening would not be possible without our keynote sponsors:


Thank You to Our Sustainable Oregon 2025 Sponsors

Title Sponsor

Waste Connections